Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 3 & Day 4... a little delayed

Sorry for the delay in updates.  On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Karen got word that a lady who was like her mother passed away the night before.  She, of course, had to return to the States so I moved into the hotel and Stu and Michael moved into Mr. David's house.  This made internet access a little more difficult, and honestly I was too tired to figure it out.  I did one sweet message asking if we had fallen off the earth, but I assure you we were fine!

On Tuesday we spent the entire day at the school. Mrs. Karen had challenged all of us, especially the kids, to ask three kids what God was doing in their lives.  It was neat to watch the kids think about and take on this task.

One thing David had requested was for us to figure out if we could get a basketball backboard into the country.  The school is working to provide athletics for the oldest kids, as a way to keep them interested in school and out of trouble.  Stu had one (that said "Tombstone Pizza" of course) and figured out how to check it in.  Shirley, of all people, was the one to get it through customs, and Tuesday was the day for the guys to put it up.  The men worked many hours on installing it and succeeded!

We spent many hours in the classrooms as well.  My heart ached for the teachers as they did their very best, but their challenges are very great.  Have I mentioned that several of the classes have 40 kids in them?  And just like an American classroom, they all have differing behaviors, differing learning styles, and differing abilities.  My heart ached also for the children as some completed the work diligently, some tried but quickly got distracted, and many never got past putting their names on the papers. I feel that one way we could be of help in the future is to help the teachers.  (My teacher friends, I'm looking at you!)

Several of the men stayed after school to work on some plumbing and painting.  All of the school's toilets were broken.  Thankful for our men who are willing to do anything.  The kids were pretty tired (ok, adults too).  Todd took us back to the hotel and we were able to rest and reflect before dinner.

Wednesday was declared "American Day".  We were playing games with the kids and fixing hot dogs for lunch.  On the way to the school, we had to stop at the grocery store.  Todd, me and Shirley in charge of picking up hot dogs, buns, chips, ketchup, mustard, and paper towels. (6 things - that was my job to remember!)  It was an interesting experience but mission accomplished.

Our task was to run a "field day" for the school.  We naturally put Michael in charge of this one.  He was amazing.  To say it was controlled chaos is an understatement.  But with the people we had and the amount of discipline the kids were used to anyway, it was the best under the circumstances.  They got to laugh and have fun and only a few got hurt.  Mr. Todd became "jail". :)  When a kid couldn't handle the excitement, we took them to sit with Todd.  My favorite was that he started to use these opportunities to talk to the kids about the Lord.

After the field day we served hotdogs and chips to all of the kids. They were pretty pumped, though a couple weren't too sure about those hot dog things. Many had never had a hot dog.

After lunch we said goodbye to each classroom.  We then took Alberto to take us through his village to hand out rice and beans.

Alberto is very special to David and Karen.  He is one of 21 kids and lives in one of the most poverty-stricken villages called Steadfast.  Alberto has worked hard to stay in school and do his very best.  He told us about how he gets up at 2 in the morning to go hunting in the jungle behind his house.  Once he saw a "tiger" in a tree, but he was not scared, he was very brave.

This was the emotionally toughest part of the trip.  We saw the houses and conditions that many of the kids we had fallen in love with were living in.  Alberto's house had three walls, with the house opening up to the jungle.  There was a spot set up for them to cook over a fire.

One of our kids, Jacob, had become very, very close to Alberto.  Seeing him having to say good-bye was heart breaking.

We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping in the Dangriga market and walking around the town a little bit.

We worshiped at a new church plant in Dangriga where the pastor is "Pastor Caleb" who also teaches at the school.  He is a giant of a man with a very kind smile.  The worship was pure and wonderful.  His teaching was great, as he said that we weren't just going to read the Word, we were going to think it.  He preached about how we are God's workmanship created to do His good works.  An appropriate end to the week and a great reminder that His great works for us at Light of the Valley are not over.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 2

I don't know that I really even have the words.  This morning we had a great (though unique) breakfast and the sorted out all of the supplies that we brought with us.  It felt like so much at that moment.  We loaded up and headed to Light of the Valley School.

Light of the Valley has a little less than 300 kids.  They have preschoolers up through about the equivalent of 8th grade (though 4th grade level education).  The majority of these children come from the poorest of circumstances.  Karen would point out to me where they live and it is heart-breaking.  We were greeted with the most beautiful smiles you have ever seen in your life.

Laura and I began with handing out nametags.  Their excitement over getting a nametag sticker was amazing.  It gave us the opportunity to say their name and look each kiddo in the face.  David and Karen spend each Monday doing large group sessions with different age groups.  They use upbeat music and solid curriculum that teaches virtues that God desires for us to exhibit.  It was fun to watch a chapel-full of kids jump up and down and sing about God.

Our kids went to classrooms with other kids their age.  I was a little nervous for our younger ones, particularly Anna.  I kept asking if she was ok.  I couldn't help but think how much faith and boldness it took for them to do that!  Go to a classroom with kids you don't know, with a teacher you don't know, in a whole other country!  But they all displayed such courage in the Lord.  We say in our family ministry that we desire to provide challenging spiritual experiences and this is top of the line! :)

During the kids' lunch break, Michael and I participated in lively games of Ring-Around-the-Rosie and Duck Duck Goose.  For those of you who have seen Michael in action with kids, you know that he has an absolute gift from God.  It is on full display in Belize.

We had a typical Belize lunch of rice, beans, and chicken.  Vicki and Melissa pitched in to help in the kitchen.  It was delicious.

I made special friends with a little boy named Aman.  He is special needs and Karen explained that they keep him at the school so that they know someone is looking out for him during the day.  He is precious and wanted huge hugs.  One of my favorite moments was watching him play ball with Todd.

I spent the afternoon in the "Infant 2" room, which is probably a 1st/2nd grade equivalent.  I'll have to blog another day about the educational perspective, but let me just say that I had to repent for the days I taught school and complained about lacking supplies.  The teacher asked if I could cut some posterboard.  They needed it for cardstock for report cards.  Her scissors were barely functional.  You know when they get kinda sticky or rusty and you throw them away because they won't open and close?  That is all she had.  Some kids weren't doing work because they had no notebook.  If they had a notebook, their pencil might be broken and they had no sharpener.  We take such little things for granted.

It is amazing to see what a difference God makes using faithful people like Karen and David.  There are so many needs and they are striving to meet as many as possible, often out of their own pockets.  It has been a real reality check for me about how sharing the gospel has to be tied to meeting needs.  Not just temporary needs, though that is good, but seeking to make a difference in a culture.

Again, this will be a whole other blog, but it has also reaffirmed how kidmin is not just another ministry tagged on.  The way to change and impact a culture is to begin with the little ones.  Even in the school, David and Karen can see their influence grow as the kids who began with them as preschoolers are growing up.  This takes long term commitment from them and from us as we partner with them.

I'm reminded of a simple sentence one of my home group friends said last week:  God loves kids.

Family Mission Trip Day 1

God truly blessed our travel yesterday.  We had a very smooth flight and all of the kids did great.  Though we thought Shirley may end up in a Belize jail before we got through customs, all ended well.  We were excited to see David and loaded up the two vans that he had rented from the Belize Baptist Association.  We drove through what he called not the prettiest parts of Belize for about an hour. We stopped for lunch at Cheers, which did have the same logo as the Cheers you think of, "Where everybody knows your name."

After that we drove for another hour and a half through absolutely beautiful country.  We were surrounded by mountains and jungle, and a whole lot of poverty.  David said that only 10% of teams made it as far as we did, which I asked him to clarify that their intent was not to go further, not that they just didn't make it. :)

After much driving, we arrived at the Pelican Resort which is right on the coast.  It is beautiful.  We had a delicious dinner and then worshipped with Pumona Church, which is one of the churches where David and Karen have begun children's ministry.

I wish I had time to share all that I've already learned and seen.  The bottom line is that this is a country made up of over 50% children.  By the time many girls are in early 20's they may have 5-6 kids.  Poverty and malnutrition are rampant.  David and Karen's vision is that, of course, God is the only hope for this country and that the dire circumstances can only be truly changed by Him moving in the youngest generations.  Therefore they are working to establish effective children's ministries in churches and schools throughout the country.  Amazingly enough, the constitution of Belize mandates religious education for all children, but even the church schools were not providing it.

Westwood began a partnership with Light of the Valley school a year ago.  Our Studio and Awana offerings go to provide pencils, paper, curriculum, etc....  David said before that partnership, Light of the Valley had very little.

What has resounded with me the most is that their goal is building relationships.  As we are here we will certainly share the gospel as the opportunity arises, but our goal is not to get people to pray prayers and then we disappear.  The idea is to establish a long term partnership with Light of the Valley in which our kids connect with the kids of Belize.  They pray for us.  We pray for them.  We support them however we can.  We build relationships with the goal of the gospel impacting this generation in a way that an entire country will be changed.  I think I'm coming to understand more and more the power of partnership and relationship in Westwood truly making an impact on the world.

Those are my rambling thoughts for now. The kids are doing great.  If you are a Westwood parent reading this, start saving now to take this trip next year.

Can't wait to see what God will do.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week of March 7

Day 1:  The Goodness of God
Read:  Exodus 33:12-21

-  What does Moses say to God in verse 15?
-  Moses didn't want to go unless God's presence was going with Him.  We want the same thing!  We need God's presence to go before us, with us, and after us.
-  What did God do for Moses in verse 19?
-  Ask God to show us His goodness and His presence.
- Ask for God to show the people of Light of the Valley His goodness and presence.
-  Ask for God to show His goodness through us. 

Day Two:  The Gentleness of Jesus
Read:  Mark 10:13-15
-  What happens in this passage?
-  What word would you use to describe how the disciples treated the children?
- What word would you use to describe how Jesus treated the children?
-  Jesus loves kids.  They are important and this story best shows his gentleness.  While in Belize, let's show the gentleness of Jesus with kids who need to know Him.

-  Thank God that He loves every single kid that we will meet and that He is gentle with them and us.
-  Ask God to help us show His love and gentleness to every child we encounter.

Day Three:  Our Gentleness with Each Other
Read:  Proverbs 15:1

-  What does a gentle word do?
- What does a harsh word do?
-  Give an example of how harsh words might come up on the trip. 
-  Give an example of how we could use gentle words instead.

- Ask God to protect our speech and give us gentle answers for each other.
- Ask God to give us gentle words with the people in Belize.
-  Ask God to give us gentle words with everyone we meet while traveling.

Day Four:  God's Faithfulness
Read: 1 John 1:8-10

-  What is God faithful to do?
-  What do we have to do?
-  Think about if there are any sins that you need to confess and make right with God before we leave.  You don't have to answer that out loud!
-  What does it mean that God is faithful?

-  Ask God to show you any sin that you have not confessed to Him.
-  Thank Him for His faithfulness to forgive.
-  Thank Him that He is faithful to forgive those in Belize who place their trust in Him.
-  Thank Him that He is the same faithful God in Belize as He is at home.

Day Five:  Self-Control
Read:  1 Peter 5:6-9
-  "Sober minded" is similar to "self-control".  Why should we be self controlled and watchful?
-  Why would the devil want to disrupt things on our trip?
-  When we use self-control, we can keep from giving the devil ways to try to interfere with the great things God wants to do.  What are some ways you can show self-control in how you act?  In how you talk?  In how you think?  In how you serve?

-  Ask God to help each member of your family show great self-control during our trip.
-  Ask Him to protect us, our trip, and the people of Light of the Valley from the devil's attempts to distract from God's truth.
-  Thank God for the incredible things that He is going to do!
