Monday, March 7, 2011

Week of March 7

Day 1:  The Goodness of God
Read:  Exodus 33:12-21

-  What does Moses say to God in verse 15?
-  Moses didn't want to go unless God's presence was going with Him.  We want the same thing!  We need God's presence to go before us, with us, and after us.
-  What did God do for Moses in verse 19?
-  Ask God to show us His goodness and His presence.
- Ask for God to show the people of Light of the Valley His goodness and presence.
-  Ask for God to show His goodness through us. 

Day Two:  The Gentleness of Jesus
Read:  Mark 10:13-15
-  What happens in this passage?
-  What word would you use to describe how the disciples treated the children?
- What word would you use to describe how Jesus treated the children?
-  Jesus loves kids.  They are important and this story best shows his gentleness.  While in Belize, let's show the gentleness of Jesus with kids who need to know Him.

-  Thank God that He loves every single kid that we will meet and that He is gentle with them and us.
-  Ask God to help us show His love and gentleness to every child we encounter.

Day Three:  Our Gentleness with Each Other
Read:  Proverbs 15:1

-  What does a gentle word do?
- What does a harsh word do?
-  Give an example of how harsh words might come up on the trip. 
-  Give an example of how we could use gentle words instead.

- Ask God to protect our speech and give us gentle answers for each other.
- Ask God to give us gentle words with the people in Belize.
-  Ask God to give us gentle words with everyone we meet while traveling.

Day Four:  God's Faithfulness
Read: 1 John 1:8-10

-  What is God faithful to do?
-  What do we have to do?
-  Think about if there are any sins that you need to confess and make right with God before we leave.  You don't have to answer that out loud!
-  What does it mean that God is faithful?

-  Ask God to show you any sin that you have not confessed to Him.
-  Thank Him for His faithfulness to forgive.
-  Thank Him that He is faithful to forgive those in Belize who place their trust in Him.
-  Thank Him that He is the same faithful God in Belize as He is at home.

Day Five:  Self-Control
Read:  1 Peter 5:6-9
-  "Sober minded" is similar to "self-control".  Why should we be self controlled and watchful?
-  Why would the devil want to disrupt things on our trip?
-  When we use self-control, we can keep from giving the devil ways to try to interfere with the great things God wants to do.  What are some ways you can show self-control in how you act?  In how you talk?  In how you think?  In how you serve?

-  Ask God to help each member of your family show great self-control during our trip.
-  Ask Him to protect us, our trip, and the people of Light of the Valley from the devil's attempts to distract from God's truth.
-  Thank God for the incredible things that He is going to do!


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